Why should I do this? 

  • The Trefny Center understands that the Spring 2020 semester was challenging on many fronts, with COVID-19, a move to remote instruction, and the political and societal unrest in our country. In addition, we have heard from faculty about cheating in their spring 2020 courses, specifically during exams. We understand your concerns and frustrations.  
  • It is important to be clear and explicit about policies, including those around cheating. Explaining what is allowed in your classroom can go a long way to preventing cheating. Also, be sure to review and explain the policies specific to Mines. 

How can I do this?

We ask you to be direct and explicit with your students about cheating and what is cheating in your course. We want to focus on four key actionable items you can include in this conversation: 

Be explicit about your expectations for work on assignments and exams in your course. 

  • What kind of collaboration is allowed and encouraged?
  • What kind of collaboration is considered cheating?

Clearly and frequently provide your rationales for assignments and exams. Be open to hearing feedback (both positive and negative) from your students.  

  • Be prepared to provide rationales for your assessments.
  • Explain your thinking for including a project, test, quiz, etc.
  • Explicitly link your assessments directly to your learning outcomes and share this with students.

Share and review the academic misconduct policy at Mines. 

  • What are the expectations at Mines?
  • What are the consequences for academic misconduct?

Make clear you are here to support students, but you will take academic misconduct seriously. 

  • Encourage students to communicate difficulties early and often, whether that is health, financial, mental health.
  • Be flexible with deadlines, if possible.
  • Stress that it is the responsibility of the student to communicate with you to work towards a solution.