
The Trefny Center offers a range of programming around topics in teaching and learning. Please see below for a list of our upcoming workshops, learning communities, and other gatherings!


Join us this Fall for our Spotlight Series on Teaching with Technology! This term, we’re teaming up with IT and ​Mines Online to offer a range of events, ​services, and resources related to teaching with ​technology. Explore the ​upcoming events below, and be sure to register!

Facilitated By:
Carter Moulton, Faculty Developer, Trefny Center
Kira Marshall-McKelvey, Faculty Developer, Trefy Center

Teaching, Technology, and Tea:
Uses for Collaborative Learning

Monday, October 7 | 9:00-10:15 AM | Green Center 200F

Are you looking for new ways to engage students in active and collaborative learning in your classes? This workshop will offer a range of innovative uses of technology tools to foster active and collaborative learning, including digital worksheets using Google Docs, interactive bulletin boards, maps, and timelines using Padlet, peer review on Canvas, and collaborative reading activities on At the end of the session, you’ll have a chance to develop a collaborative learning activity for your own course using one of the tools! Please bring a web-enabled device (laptop, tablet, or phone). We also invite you to bring your own mug! Tea, coffee, and pastries will be provided.

Teaching Faculty Luncheon:
Faculty Flash Talks
 on Educational Technology

Wednesday, November 20 | 12:00-1:00 PM | Student Center Ballrooms B&C

Stay tuned for more details about this event!

Book Club: Teaching with Generative AI

The First Thursday of Every Month
9:00 – 10:15 am | Green Center 200A

Whether you are completely unfamiliar with, fascinated by, or skeptical about the future of teaching and ​learning in the age of generative AI, please join us for a set of discussions around José Antonio Bowen ​and C. Edward Watson’s new book, Teaching With AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning. ​

Active Learning Communities

Alternative Grading & Equitable Asssessment

This Learning Community grew out of our programming series on Ungrading in February 2023, which brought together 33 teaching faculty, tenure-track faculty, postdocs, and staff from across campus. Join us as we read, discuss, look at examples, share our work, and consider the grading practices we use in our classes! We will be holding regular meetings throughout Fall 2024. Sign up below to receive communications about the next meeting.

Past Event Recordings

Accessible instruction for all students: Universal Design for Learning

Student Panel: What Mines Students Think of Generative AI and their Learning  

Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 (90 minutes)

Event Description: How are Mines students thinking about and using generative AI in the classroom? How do they see it impacting their learning? Join us for this virtual webinar to hear perspectives from a panel of Mines undergraduates and graduate students. You’ll have a chance to ask our student panelists questions during the live Q&A!

Student Panel: Accessibility on Campus from the Student Perspective

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023 (90 minutes)

Event Description: What accessibility challenges have students faced in their courses and on campus? What strategies can faculty incorporate to make their courses more accessible to all students? A panel of students who have a disability will share their experiences and ways that faculty can support their learning. You’ll have a chance to hear from all panelists, as well as ask more specific questions during breakout groups.

Would your program or department be interested in hosting a Trefny workshop, training, or other event? 

Request an Event