3/10 WAC

Join us for Wednesday Afternoon Club, an informal session to catch up with colleagues and friends and share ideas, experiences, opportunities, and challenges! ZOOM CONNECTION INFORMATION: https://mines.zoom.us/j/99258599364?pwd=cTFCb3pXUy9zV1Q2UGJwcGwwU2swdz09

3/16 Coffee Hour

Join us for an informal session to share ideas, experiences, opportunities, and challenges with other faculty and Trefny friends. ZOOM CONNECTION INFORMATION: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97533075571?pwd=czRYcjdEYWtNdjhjKzJxT1diSkdxZz09


Idea-sharing and troubleshooting sessions specifically for those teaching large classes. This is a standing meeting every other Thursday morning during the SP 21 semester. We welcome you to join the conversation at any time. ZOOM CONNECTION INFORMATION: https://mines.zoom.us/j/96433072914?pwd=VlVvU281cnUrZ2ljeCtHVFpLOTZEUT09 Password: 117069

3/19 Student Panel – Lessons learned from remote

Hear Mines students share elements of remote learning that they would like to see incorporated into future learning experiences at Mines. ZOOM CONNECTION INFORMATION: https://mines.zoom.us/j/96898737555?pwd=TDZIY3RHNEVSVElCUmdadEF3UHNPUT09&from=addon

3/24 WAC with DSS and MTC

Join us for Wednesday Afternoon Club, an informal session to catch up with colleagues and friends and share ideas, experiences, opportunities, and challenges! This week we will have a combined session with Disability Support Services and the Mines Testing Center. Bring a beverage and questions! ZOOM CONNECTION INFORMATION: https://mines.zoom.us/j/99258599364?pwd=cTFCb3pXUy9zV1Q2UGJwcGwwU2swdz09  


Idea-sharing and troubleshooting sessions specifically for those teaching large classes. This is a standing meeting every other Thursday morning during the SP 21 semester. We welcome you to join the conversation at any time. ZOOM CONNECTION INFORMATION: https://mines.zoom.us/j/96433072914?pwd=VlVvU281cnUrZ2ljeCtHVFpLOTZEUT09 Password: 117069

4/6 Coffee Hour – Library

Join faculty Chris Thiry, Map and GIS Librarian, and Lisa Nickum, Systems Discovery Librarian, as they discuss Course Readings – a Canvas plugin to help you organize and prepare resources for your upcoming courses – and other library support. Bring your questions! ZOOM CONNECTION INFORMATION: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97533075571?pwd=czRYcjdEYWtNdjhjKzJxT1diSkdxZz09  

4/14 WAC

Join us for Wednesday Afternoon Club, an informal session to catch up with colleagues and friends and share ideas, experiences, opportunities, and challenges! ZOOM CONNECTION INFORMATION: https://mines.zoom.us/j/99258599364?pwd=cTFCb3pXUy9zV1Q2UGJwcGwwU2swdz09    


Idea-sharing and troubleshooting sessions specifically for those teaching large classes. This is a standing meeting every other Thursday morning during the SP 21 semester. We welcome you to join the conversation at any time. ZOOM CONNECTION INFORMATION: https://mines.zoom.us/j/96433072914?pwd=VlVvU281cnUrZ2ljeCtHVFpLOTZEUT09 Password: 117069

4/20 Coffee Hour

Join us for an informal session to share ideas, experiences, opportunities, and challenges with other faculty and Trefny friends. ZOOM CONNECTION INFORMATION: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97533075571?pwd=czRYcjdEYWtNdjhjKzJxT1diSkdxZz09