
The Trefny Center offers a range of programming around topics in teaching and learning. Please see below for a list of our upcoming workshops and other gatherings!


A Celebration of Teaching and Learning at Mines

Tuesday, May 7th | 2:30 – 4:30 pm
Student Center Ballrooms A & B

We invite all Mines faculty and staff to join us as we celebrate another year of effective teaching and learning at Mines! Join us for hors d’oeuvres, drinks, giveaways, and more as we share our highlights and experiences from the 2023-24 academic year. This informal, conversational event will feature interactive stations where you can reflect on your teaching, identify challenges you faced, and offer your suggestions for future support. You are welcome to join us for the entire event, or feel free to drop in and out as you are available. This event is open to all faculty and staff at Mines.

Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be provided!

Alternative Grading Intensive

Monday, May 20th – Wednesday, May 22nd 9:00 AM – 3:00 pm
Marquez 108

Interested in implementing a new approach to grading and assessment in your course? Whether you are completely new to the idea of “ungrading” or have been implementing alternative grading methods for years, please join us for this three-day summer intensive! The intensive will equip you with frameworks for alternative assessment, foster cross-departmental and candid conversations about grades, participation, rubrics, and feedback, and provide you with ample time and space to develop alternative grading methods for your own course. Participants will receive $1500 for their completion of the intensive. 

Past Event Recordings

Accessible instruction for all students: Universal Design for Learning

Student Panel: What Mines Students Think of Generative AI and their Learning  

Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 (90 minutes)

Event Description: How are Mines students thinking about and using generative AI in the classroom? How do they see it impacting their learning? Join us for this virtual webinar to hear perspectives from a panel of Mines undergraduates and graduate students. You’ll have a chance to ask our student panelists questions during the live Q&A!

Student Panel: Accessibility on Campus from the Student Perspective

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023 (90 minutes)

Event Description: What accessibility challenges have students faced in their courses and on campus? What strategies can faculty incorporate to make their courses more accessible to all students? A panel of students who have a disability will share their experiences and ways that faculty can support their learning. You’ll have a chance to hear from all panelists, as well as ask more specific questions during breakout groups.

Would your program or department be interested in hosting a Trefny workshop, training, or other event? 

Request an Event