Add Free Response Questions to Exams

Add Free Response Questions to Exams

Why should I do this?  Free response questions can be used to assess higher cognitive skills, and because students must provide an answer in their own words, they are also more difficult for students to cheat on compared to multiple choice questions. Free response...
Mines strategies for remote classroom engagement

Mines strategies for remote classroom engagement

Helping students connect with course material, colleagues, and instructors helps students learn. So much so that many instructors make ‘engagement’ a focus of their classroom pedagogy. But, how can instructors best engage students in remotely offered...
Mines Remote Teaching Success Strategies

Mines Remote Teaching Success Strategies

In a spring 2020 faculty survey, Mines instructors identified that they were interested in learning about successful remote teaching strategies from other Mines instructors. The following table details a number of successful strategies collected during the summer of...